Curricular Bands
Under the direction of Steve Ballard
Classes offered during the regular school day (for grades) are:
- Concert Band
- Symphonic Band
- Symphonic Wind Ensemble (auditioned)
- Symphonic/Concert Percussion
- Percussion Ensemble (auditioned)
Incoming Freshman Info Packet
This provides information about the band program, audition music, schedule, and entry forms.
Curricular Band Schedule 2024-25 (subject to edits, check back periodically)
Tentative Curricular Band Schedule 2025-26
2024-25 Band Ensemble Fees
Fees for activities, instrument rentals and the program.
Tentative 2025-26 Band Ensemble Fees
TJ Course Planner
Extra-Curricular Bands, Ensembles
Band activities that take place outside the regular school day.
Marching Band
(Thomas Jefferson Marching Colonials, TJMC)
At home football games, this group performs at halftime and serves as pep band in the stands. TJMC also performs in local, regional and state marching band competitions.
2025 TJMC Tentative Draft Marching Band Google Calendar (Printable Calendar)
Coordinate your summer 2025 with the TJMC Schedule!
TJMC Enrollment Info and Paperwork
Band Camp Information
TJMC Competition Schedules & Info
Jazz Ensemble
Under the direction of Eric Sabo, this auditioned group rehearses after school. The group performs at the Viennese Ball, seasonal band concerts, Valentine’s Dance, Chantilly Jazz Fest, Jazz Cabaret and other school events.
Jazz Band Club
Open to any TJ student, this ensemble meets once a week during 8th period and performs at the end-of-the year Jazz Cabaret
Winter Drum Line
Indoor percussion unit consisting of a marching battery (snares, tenors, and bass drums), marching cymbals, and a stationary pit (marimbas, vibraphone, synthesizer) that performs a choreographed show at competitions throughout the season.
TJ Winter Drum Line Google Calendar (Printable version)
TJ Drum Line / Winter Guard General Info Packet
TJ Winter Drum Line & Color Guard Enrollment Forms
Winter Guard
Indoor color guard unit that showcases flag and weapons talent, performing a dynamic show at local, regional, state and national competitions during the season.
TJ Winter Guard Google Calendar (Printable Version)
TJ Drum Line / Winter Guard General Info Packet
TJ Winter Drum Line & Color Guard Enrollment Forms