This page refers to charitable donations. Looking for information about making payments for fees or merchandise? Go to the Payments page for information.
TJ Band Boosters Donation
WHAT? Donate here to TJ Band Boosters. We need you!!
WHY? To support all TJ Band programs!
WHEN? All year round & 24×7
HOW? Via PayPal or Check
It’s easy to make your donation by:
* Please visit our new PayPal Giving Fund page (no more processing fee) to make your donation.
* By check: Make checks payable to TJ Band Boosters and send to TJ Band Boosters with address provided upon request.
Please give generously and let other friends and fans of TJ Bands know about this important fundraiser!
TJ Band Boosters is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible.* We are also eligible to receive matching donations from employer philanthropic giving programs. TJ Band Boosters is listed with Benevity.
*Consult your tax professional regarding charitable donations.